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Astropro's Website Of the Week Award
©2009 by Richard Nolle

WOW!MAY 11, 2009 - Astro-Wiki by Astrodienst is a free online astrological encyclopedia. It's currently bilingual (German and English), and if you're fluent in either language I think you'll find this a resource well worth bookmarking. Most wikis begin life as empty shells, and flesh out as contributions come in. Astro-Wiki by Astrodienst hits the web with considerable initial content, thanks to Astrodienst having acquired the rights to publish a couple of German astrological encyclopedias. (There's also an Astro-Databank Wiki, Astrodienst's free presentation of the astrological data collected by Lois Rodden and her collaborators and successors - more about that next week.) What's a wiki? Everybody knows Wikipedia, and that's the model: an open source collaborative collection of knowledge. It will be fascinating to see how astrologers collaborate to make Astro-Wiki by Astrodienst what could be an invaluable resource to the worldwide astrological community.

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