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Astropro's Website Of the Week Award
©2001 by Richard Nolle


WOW!DEC 3, 2001 - is a website dedicated to memes; namely, an information pattern that survives by propagation from one human mind to another. A successful meme (pronounced meem) has a sphere of existence much larger than any individual human, in that it can spread to many people and places, across vast chasms of time and space. Really successful memes - like astrology, for example - spread (or arise uniquely) in many different cultures worldwide, and persist for millennia. presents the meme as a kind of mental virus that spreads by informational contagion - a hypothesis that is itself a meme of course, and one that seems to be propagating quite nicely. Probably because it's such a useful way of looking at the world. If you haven't already been infected, a quick visit to ought to do the trick.

Technical note: Web Site Garage rates fair over-all, poor in load time (54.93 seconds on a 56k modem). In comparison, the page you're now reading rates excellent in both categories (loading in 6.76 seconds at 56k).

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Richard Nolle, Certified Professional Astrologer
phone or fax 480-753-6261 - email
Box 26599 - Tempe, AZ 85285-6599 - USA
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