Astropro's NetSelect Directory is optimized for browsers with frames technology. If your browser doesn't do frames, you can still access the entire directory. Here's how you do it:
- If you see two images one atop the other at left, your browser can at least handle tables. In that case, enter Astropro's antique browser track by clicking here, being sure to turn on your browser's image and sound options and to let the sound files (audio/x-wav) open if prompted. (You won't have full access to the site and you'll get no multimedia interactivity, so consider option 2 below.)
- If you don't see two stacked images at left, your browser doesn't recognize tables and can't handle Astropro at all. To enter this site, you must first download and install a free state of the art browser from Microsoft or Netscape.
- Otherwise, exit this page now by clicking on your browser's back button.