If you were expecting some kind of sun sign nonsense, forget it.
This is real astrology. See the section
above. Please note: this forecast is expressed in terms of Universal
Time (UT). Current UT date and time are at the end of this paragraph. (To
update display, click on your browser's reload/refresh button.)
With its pair of eclipses, September is another active month on the celestial scene. By the Hermetic Maxim (As above, so below), thats bound to mean some pretty interesting developments.
While the big news of the month is bound to be the eclipses, we do have a carry-over from August worth noting. The Mercury retrograde which began at 16 Virgo on August 17 remains in effect until September 10, so until then you can figure on Murphys Law running rampant: printing and communications screw-ups, missed or mixed messages, generally whatever can go wrong doing so. Plan on it, work around it, and youll be miles ahead of anyone who doesnt know what to expect. (On a more positive note, this would be a great time to take a second look at plans, budgets and schedules; to go back and fix whatever has gone wrong in the last three weeks.) As predicted for August - witness the UPS strike, the Hudson beef recall and super staph emergence - some kind of significant labor and public health problems are likely to crop up during the Mercury retrograde. So until we get past September 10, we still arent out of the woods where these things are concerned.
Speaking of holdovers from August, the stock market correction correctly predicted in last months forecast appears to be about over on or shortly after the September 3 Venus-Saturn opposition. A somber, even sad tone characterizes both individual and mass psychology around this time, and thats bound to work its way into what people are doing. (Lighten up if you can!)
And then there are the eclipses, beginning with the solar eclipse at 10 Virgo on the 1st (in effect August 29 to September 4). And then comes the lunar eclipse at 24 Pisces on the 16th (in effect September 13-19). As usual, these alignments indicate a stronger than usual potential for seismic and meteorological events (flooding too). An upsurge in strong storms, coastal flooding (due to higher than usual tides) as well as inland flooding (due to heavy rains) is in the picture, along with a greater than usual number of moderate to severe seismic activity (volcanic eruptions, Richter 5 or higher quakes).
month's birthdays of the famous and infamous (with astrological birth charts)
(This page last updated 14:54 August 29, 1997) |